Rootonym April 27 2024 Answers

Rootonym 27 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


FRAG | Root means ‘break’

A part broken off, detached or incomplete; an odd piece (noun)

hintThe artisan glued the ________ of the broken dish with extreme precision.for exampleThe artisan glued the FRAGMENT of the broken dish with extreme precision.answer:FRAGMENT

An animal that feeds exclusively on plants (noun)

hintManatees, with their broad and rounded tails, are a popular ________ in Florida inlets.for exampleManatees, with their broad and rounded tails, are a popular HERBIVORE in Florida inlets.answer:HERBIVORE

Winding; not direct; full of curves, twists and bends (adjective)

hintKurt downshifted his car as he drove up the ________ incline leading to the summit.for exampleKurt downshifted his car as he drove up the TORTUOUS incline leading to the summit.answer:TORTUOUS

To deliver; to divide items among many recipients; to scatter (verb)

hintJoy expects the sales manager to ________ booklets for the new promotion.for exampleJoy expects the sales manager to DISTRIBUTE booklets for the new promotion.answer:DISTRIBUTE

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