Rootonym April 1 2024 Answers

Rootonym 1 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


UMBR | Root means ‘shadow, shade’

Light, portable, circular cover for protection from inclement weather (noun)

hintTammy put on her raincoat and opened her green ________ once it began to rain.for exampleTammy put on her raincoat and opened her green UMBRELLA once it began to rain.answer:UMBRELLA

Downcast; glum; gloomily dark; grave; dull in color (adjective)

hintWhen Jean saw Bill’s ________ expression, she feared he would give her bad news.for exampleWhen Jean saw Bill’s SOMBER expression, she feared he would give her bad news.answer:SOMBER

An offended feeling; resentment; suspicion that one has been slighted or injured (noun)

hintSally took ________ at her sister’s insensitive remarks and hung up the phone.for exampleSally took UMBRAGE at her sister’s insensitive remarks and hung up the phone.answer:UMBRAGE

A partial or imperfect shadow, as in an eclipse; shadowy, indefinite area (noun)

hintThe astronomer gazed at the ________ created by the crossing of the planet and the moon.for exampleThe astronomer gazed at the PENUMBRA created by the crossing of the planet and the moon.answer:PENUMBRA

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