Rootonym April 12 2024 Answers

Rootonym 12 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


TUIT | Root means ‘watch, protect, look after’

Charge, price or payment for instruction (noun)

hintMany school financial offices require payment of ________ in July before classes.for exampleMany school financial offices require payment of TUITION in July before classes.answer:TUITION

To withdraw from a place, especially for safety reasons (verb)

hintPolice needed to ________ patrons from the restaurant because there was a kitchen fire.for examplePolice needed to EVACUATE patrons from the restaurant because there was a kitchen fire.answer:EVACUATE

Having the ability to keep in possession or use; recalling knowledge from memory easily (adjective)

hintMrs. Poe takes pride in her ________ memory and can call former students by name.for exampleMrs. Poe takes pride in her RETENTIVE memory and can call former students by name.answer:RETENTIVE

Hard to treat, relieve or cure; stubborn; not manageable or docile; inflexible (adjective)

hintGreta witnessed the ________ behavior of a child who refused to stop screaming.for exampleGreta witnessed the INTRACTABLE behavior of a child who refused to stop screaming.answer:INTRACTABLE

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