Rootonym April 15 2023 Answers

Rootonym 15 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


CONTRA | Root means ‘opposite, against’

Opposite in nature, character, direction or position (adjective)

hintFriends admire Joan because dishonesty is so ________ to her character.for exampleFriends admire Joan because dishonesty is so CONTRARY to her character.answer:CONTRARY

Fundamental set of beliefs; the ritual observance of faith (noun)

hintDora and Frank, church deacons, practice their ________ in word and action.for exampleDora and Frank, church deacons, practice their RELIGION in word and action.answer:RELIGION

Favoring extreme political, social or economic reforms or changes (adjective)

hintJon is disgusted that the ________ right and ________ left never compromise on issues.for exampleJon is disgusted that the RADICAL right and RADICAL left never compromise on issues.answer:RADICAL

Quality of fear or lack of self-assurance; shyness; a lack of boldness (noun)

hintPatty’s ________ did not give her the courage to ask Andy to the freshmen dance.for examplePatty’s TIMIDITY did not give her the courage to ask Andy to the freshmen dance.answer:TIMIDITY

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