Rootonym April 15 2024 Answers

Rootonym 15 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


VIR | Root means ‘man’

Having or exhibiting masculine strength or a vigorous male spirit (adjective)

hintThat poster shows a ________ with developed muscles using exercise equipment.for exampleThat poster shows a VIRILE man with developed muscles using exercise equipment.answer:VIRILE

Temporarily simulated by computer software; existing in effect but not in fact, form or name (adjective)

hintRob and Ward played a game of ________ baseball on a laptop in the family room.for exampleRob and Ward played a game of VIRTUAL baseball on a laptop in the family room.answer:VIRTUAL

A person who excels in the techniques of an art, esp. a musical performer (noun)

hintThe audience anticipated listening to the ________ play the piano in the concert hall.for exampleThe audience anticipated listening to the VIRTUOSO play the piano in the concert hall.answer:VIRTUOSO

A board or government of three officials or magistrates functioning jointly; any group or set of three (noun)

hintJeff made a presentation before the ________ of officials who will decide on his proposal.for exampleJeff made a presentation before the TRIUMVIRATE of officials who will decide on his proposal.answer:TRIUMVIRATE

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