Rootonym April 22 2023 Answers

Rootonym 22 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


VAC | Root means ’empty, at leisure’

Emptiness; the state of being without an occupant; an opening (noun)

hintSince the motel has a ________, Felipe plans to stay there for one night.for exampleSince the motel has a VACANCY, Felipe plans to stay there for one night.answer:VACANCY

Someone with national loyalty; a person showing devoted support and defense of one’s country (noun)

hintDon is a ________ who displays his American flag every day on his front porch.for exampleDon is a PATRIOT who displays his American flag every day on his front porch.answer:PATRIOT

To write, engrave or print words as a lasting record (verb)

hintBill plans to have the jeweler ________ a few sentimental lines inside his wife’s new ring.for exampleBill plans to have the jeweler INSCRIBE a few sentimental lines inside his wife’s new ring.answer:INSCRIBE

Person who greatly admires England and English things (noun)

hintKen is an avid ________ who travels to Britain every summer for two weeks.for exampleKen is an avid ANGLOPHILE who travels to Britain every summer for two weeks.answer:ANGLOPHILE

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