Rootonym April 3 2024 Answers

Rootonym 3 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


SEMBL | Root means ‘seem, appear, be like’

A body of people coming together, usually for a purpose; a gathering (noun)

hintStudents at Drake High attend a 15-minute ________ every day before classes begin.for exampleStudents at Drake High attend a 15-minute ASSEMBLY every day before classes begin.answer:ASSEMBLY

To bring, fit or put together another time; to join or gather again (verb)

hintFifteen classmates plan to ________ for another reunion five years from now.for exampleFifteen classmates plan to REASSEMBLE for another reunion five years from now.answer:REASSEMBLE

Parts making up a whole; group of supporting entertainers; an outfit of clothes (noun)

hintMary plays in an ________ that includes a pianist, a violinist and a cellist.for exampleMary plays in an ENSEMBLE that includes a pianist, a violinist and a cellist.answer:ENSEMBLE

Degree, kind or point of likeness; similarity in appearance (noun)

hintLots of people often remark on the ________ of the three Hudson daughters.for exampleLots of people often remark on the RESEMBLANCE of the three Hudson daughters.answer:RESEMBLANCE

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