Rootonym April 30 2023 Answers

Rootonym 30 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


VAL | Root means ‘be strong, be worth’

Alike in value, force, effect, measure or significance (adjective)

hintJason explained to his daughter that a nickel is ________ to five pennies.for exampleJason explained to his daughter that a nickel is EQUIVALENT to five pennies.answer:EQUIVALENT

Inactive, as in sleep; not erupting, as a volcano (adjective)

hintDoes Craig know when the ________ season is for fruit trees in northern California?for exampleDoes Craig know when the DORMANT season is for fruit trees in northern California?answer:DORMANT

Person’s name written in his or her own handwriting (noun)

hintAnn includes her ________ at the bottom of her handwritten note to her sister.for exampleAnn includes her SIGNATURE at the bottom of her handwritten note to her sister.answer:SIGNATURE

Poor and unhealthy behaviors and attitudes within a group; impairment or abnormal operation (noun)

hintBrad is uncomfortable with the ________ in Tim’s family and avoids going to his house.for exampleBrad is uncomfortable with the DYSFUNCTION in Tim’s family and avoids going to his house.answer:DYSFUNCTION

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