Rootonym April 5 2024 Answers

Rootonym 5 April Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


SPEC | Root means ‘look, see, appear’

An item or part typical of a group or whole for examination: a sample (noun)

hintMike studied a ________ under the microscope and wrote down the specifics of his research.for exampleMike studied a SPECIMEN under the microscope and wrote down the specifics of his research.answer:SPECIMEN

To explain or give the meaning of; to put a particular interpretation on (verb)

hintIf Judy and Sal correctly ________ the realtor’s answer, they can finance that mountain house.for exampleIf Judy and Sal correctly CONSTRUE the realtor’s answer, they can finance that mountain house.answer:CONSTRUE

To communicate by exchanging letters, emails, etc.; to agree; to be in harmony (verb)

hintDee and her sister ________ daily via email thanks to the ease of using the Internet.for exampleDee and her sister CORRESPOND daily via email thanks to the ease of using the Internet.answer:CORRESPOND

Important; having weight, influence or distinction; meaningful (adjective)

hintIt was a ________ realization of her goal when Tina finished the marathon.for exampleIt was a SIGNIFICANT realization of her goal when Tina finished the marathon.answer:SIGNIFICANT

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