Rootonym December 12 2023 Answers

Rootonym 12 December Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


MOD | Root means ‘measure, manner, way’

The quality of being shy, bashful, retiring or reserved; freedom from vanity or pretentiousness (noun)

hintClaire shows ________ in her choice of clothing and refuses to wear revealing clothes.for exampleClaire shows MODESTY in her choice of clothing and refuses to wear revealing clothes.answer:MODESTY

An unprocessed or a partially processed good of value for trade or commerce (noun)

hintDon’s broker says corn is an essential ________ and he should buy future contracts.for exampleDon’s broker says corn is an essential COMMODITY and he should buy future contracts.answer:COMMODITY

To alter in structure or form; to reconstruct; to make over again (verb)

hintJoseph is a contractor with satisfied customers because he does ________ well and reasonably.for exampleJoseph is a contractor with satisfied customers because he does REMODEL well and reasonably.answer:REMODEL

The absence or avoidance of excess; a keeping within reasonable or proper limits (noun)

hintSusan and Vincent eat meals in ________ because they want to eat sensibly.for exampleSusan and Vincent eat meals in MODERATION because they want to eat sensibly.answer:MODERATION

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