Rootonym December 4 2023 Answers

Rootonym 4 December Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


MAN | Root means ‘hand’

Collective leadership of executives in controlling, supervising and directing an enterprise (noun)

hintGail praised ________ for its excellent customer service and flexible attitude.for exampleGail praised MANAGEMENT for its excellent customer service and flexible attitude.answer:MANAGEMENT

Operated by hand rather than mechanically or automatically (adjective)

hintJack likes to shift gears and prefers a ________ transmission to an automatic one.for exampleJack likes to shift gears and prefers a MANUAL transmission to an automatic one.answer:MANUAL

A calculated or skillful act or ploy; a clever tactic; a planned strategic military movement (noun)

hintPedestrians were impressed with the officer’s ________ that quickly cleared traffic.for examplePedestrians were impressed with the officer’s MANEUVER that quickly cleared traffic.answer:MANEUVER

A written, typewritten or computer-produced composition or document (noun)

hintJudy was thrilled to finally finish her ________ and submit it to her publisher.for exampleJudy was thrilled to finally finish her MANUSCRIPT and submit it to her publisher.answer:MANUSCRIPT

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