Rootonym February 10 2023 Answers

Rootonym 10 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


PHEN | Root means ‘appear, show, shine’

Something remarkable or extraordinary; a fact, occurrence or circumstance observed or observable (noun)

hintBob says snow at any time would be an extraordinary ________ in Los Angeles!for exampleBob says snow at any time would be an extraordinary PHENOMENON in Los Angeles!answer:PHENOMENON

To revolve; to turn around on an axis; to alternate (verb)

hintThe hotel architect suggested a front door that would ________ rather than swing on hinges.for exampleThe hotel architect suggested a front door that would ROTATE rather than swing on hinges.answer:ROTATE

Characteristic of a geographical region that is very hot and humid (adjective)

hintBarbara’s mother admires the ________ orchids that flourish in Florida.for exampleBarbara’s mother admires the TROPICAL orchids that flourish in Florida.answer:TROPICAL

Branch of dentistry dealing with the correction and straightening of irregular teeth (noun)

hintVicky’s dentist told her she would need to see a specialist in ________ to align her crooked teeth.for exampleVicky’s dentist told her she would need to see a specialist in ORTHODONTIA to align her crooked teeth.answer:ORTHODONTIA

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