Rootonym February 14 2023 Answers

Rootonym 14 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


PEL | Root means ‘drive, urge’

To alleviate; to send off or drive away; to scatter; to cause to vanish (verb)

hintThe plumber did ________ Sue’s worry over a steady drip from her leaking water heater by replacing it.for exampleThe plumber did DISPEL Sue’s worry over a steady drip from her leaking water heater by replacing it.answer:DISPEL

Urged or swayed by a sudden, spontaneous inclination to act (adjective)

hint________ shoppers pushed and shoved others to take advantage of huge discounts!for exampleIMPULSIVE shoppers pushed and shoved others to take advantage of huge discounts!answer:IMPULSIVE

Tending to ward off; resistant or impervious; causing distaste or aversion (adjective)

hintThe smell of any fish is so ________ to Carol that she gags at the offensive odor.for exampleThe smell of any fish is so REPELLENT to Carol that she gags at the offensive odor.answer:REPELLENT

Required; mandatory; obligatory; something that must be executed in a contest or competition (adjective)

hintState laws dictate that seat belts are ________ in every automobile.for exampleState laws dictate that seat belts are COMPULSORY in every automobile.answer:COMPULSORY

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