Rootonym February 15 2023 Answers

Rootonym 15 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


JUDIC | Root means ‘judge’

An unfavorable bias; preconceived opinion or feeling; attitude of a hostile nature (noun)

hintDon has a ________ against illegal drug users and criticizes those who lack willpower to stop.for exampleDon has a PREJUDICE against illegal drug users and criticizes those who lack willpower to stop.answer:PREJUDICE

Ability to make a decision and form an opinion objectively and wisely (noun)

hintBetty admires Lynn because she uses excellent ________ in making hard decisions.for exampleBetty admires Lynn because she uses excellent JUDGMENT in making hard decisions.answer:JUDGMENT

Exercising and characterized by sound, discriminating or good sense (adjective)

hintTracy is usually ________ in her analysis, but this time, she made an emotional decision.for exampleTracy is usually JUDICIOUS in her analysis, but this time, she made an emotional decision.answer:JUDICIOUS

To settle or determine by a court; to act by administration of justice (verb)

hintThe mediator was able to successfully ________ a fair resolution in the dispute.for exampleThe mediator was able to successfully ADJUDICATE a fair resolution in the dispute.answer:ADJUDICATE

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