Rootonym February 23 2023 Answers

Rootonym 23 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


CLAR | Root means ‘clear’

To make an idea or statement understandable; to free from ambiguity or confusion (verb)

hintAbby needs to ________ with the dealer her financial responsibility on the car lease.for exampleAbby needs to CLARIFY with the dealer her financial responsibility on the car lease.answer:CLARIFY

An ancient trumpet with a curved shape and shrill, clear tone (noun)

hintWhen riders heard the ________, they raced their horses across the field to locate a fox.for exampleWhen riders heard the CLARION, they raced their horses across the field to locate a fox.answer:CLARION

A rooster used as a proper name in the beast epic Reynard the Fox (noun)

hintDuring the Middle Ages, many stories were told and written about ________, a wise bird.for exampleDuring the Middle Ages, many stories were told and written about CHANTICLEER, a wise bird.answer:CHANTICLEER

To make known plainly, formally and emphatically; to proclaim officially (verb)

hintA governor will ________ emergencies after massive damage from violent storms and floods.for exampleA governor will DECLARE emergencies after massive damage from violent storms and floods.answer:DECLARE

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