Rootonym February 26 2023 Answers

Rootonym 26 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


RECT | Root means ‘right, ruled, straight’

Member of the clergy who is in charge; head of certain schools (noun)

hintWhen the ________ of the small school retired, many alumni, staff and students honored him.for exampleWhen the RECTOR of the small school retired, many alumni, staff and students honored him.answer:RECTOR

Pertaining to or expressed by a mathematical unit (adjective)

hintThe phone operator requested use of ________ touch-tone keys, not a voice.for exampleThe phone operator requested use of NUMERICAL touch-tone keys, not a voice.answer:NUMERICAL

To change in shape, appearance or structure; to metamorphose (verb)

hintThe energetic newlyweds were able to ________ the old house with a lot of renovation.for exampleThe energetic newlyweds were able to TRANSFORM the old house with a lot of renovation.answer:TRANSFORM

Gentle reproof; counsel, advice or caution against something (noun)

hintSue gave Jack an ________ not to use profane language around the children.for exampleSue gave Jack an ADMONITION not to use profane language around the children.answer:ADMONITION

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