Rootonym February 27 2023 Answers

Rootonym 27 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


FLU | Root means ‘flow’

Being more than sufficient or required; excessive; unnecessary or redundant (adjective)

hintThe shop owner discounted a ________ number of identical shirts for a quick sale.for exampleThe shop owner discounted a SUPERFLUOUS number of identical shirts for a quick sale.answer:SUPERFLUOUS

Able to speak or write smoothly, easily or readily; graceful in motion (adjective)

hintJesse had lived abroad for five years and had become ________ in two languages.for exampleJesse had lived abroad for five years and had become FLUENT in two languages.answer:FLUENT

Having an abundance of material goods; wealthy; prosperous (adjective)

hintAn ________ couple donated an acre of land to the city for use as a playground.for exampleAn AFFLUENT couple donated an acre of land to the city for use as a playground.answer:AFFLUENT

Sweetly or smoothly flowing; sounding gentle, even or calm in movement; honeyed (adjective)

hintGail enjoys the ________ voices of the children’s choir at the Sunday service.for exampleGail enjoys the MELLIFLUOUS voices of the children’s choir at the Sunday service.answer:MELLIFLUOUS

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