Rootonym February 28 2023 Answers

Rootonym 28 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


PATR | Root means ‘father’

Male head of the family or tribe; founder of an order; any Old Testament founding father (noun)

hintTony’s grandfather, the ________ of the family, always enjoys the family picnics in the summer.for exampleTony’s grandfather, the PATRIARCH of the family, always enjoys the family picnics in the summer.answer:PATRIARCH

Fatherhood; the origin or descent from a father (noun)

hintNo one would ever doubt Joey’s ________ because the boy looks just like his dad.for exampleNo one would ever doubt Joey’s PATERNITY because the boy looks just like his dad.answer:PATERNITY

To do business with; to go to regularly as a customer; to treat with a superior air: be condescending towards (verb)

hintAnna likes to ________ certain stores because she gets value for her money.for exampleAnna likes to PATRONIZE certain stores because she gets value for her money.answer:PATRONIZE

National loyalty; devoted love, support and defense of one’s country (noun)

hintNick hoists the American flag each morning to display ________ for his country.for exampleNick hoists the American flag each morning to display PATRIOTISM for his country.answer:PATRIOTISM

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