Rootonym February 6 2024 Answers

Rootonym 6 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


SCI | Root means ‘know’

Governed by painstaking efforts; marked by meticulous and careful exactness (adjective)

hintJudy is the most intellectually gifted and ________ student that Mrs. Dean teaches.for exampleJudy is the most intellectually gifted and CONSCIENTIOUS student that Mrs. Dean teaches.answer:CONSCIENTIOUS

Relating to the branch of knowledge using facts to show the operation of general laws (adjective)

hintThe new ________ research provided data to Dr. Marco, who determined John suffered from rickets.for exampleThe new SCIENTIFIC research provided data to Dr. Marco, who determined John suffered from rickets.answer:SCIENTIFIC

Existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond one’s own awareness of thoughts or sensations (adjective)

hintEllie suspects that her nightmares are ________ effects from a tragic accident.for exampleEllie suspects that her nightmares are SUBCONSCIOUS effects from a tragic accident.answer:SUBCONSCIOUS

Entertainment genre that draws imaginatively on speculative knowledge (noun-two words)

hintWhile Alan reads unusual _____ _____, his friend selects primarily crime stories.for exampleWhile Alan reads unusual SCIENCE FICTION, his friend selects primarily crime stories.answer:SCIENCE FICTION

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