Rootonym February 9 2023 Answers

Rootonym 9 February Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


SOLU | Root means ‘loosen, release’

Firmly set in purpose or opinion; determined; unwavering and steady (adjective)

hintMark has a ________ and reliable character and business associates admire him.for exampleMark has a RESOLUTE and reliable character and business associates admire him.answer:RESOLUTE

To forgive or free from guilt or blame; to release from an obligation (verb)

hintBob hopes his mom will ________ him of the remainder of the small loan he owes her.for exampleBob hopes his mom will ABSOLVE him of the remainder of the small loan he owes her.answer:ABSOLVE

Unable to satisfy creditors or discharge liabilities; pertaining to bankrupt persons or bankruptcy (adjective)

hintThe ________ restaurant owner closed down her operation due to huge revenue losses.for exampleThe INSOLVENT restaurant owner closed down her operation due to huge revenue losses.answer:INSOLVENT

Complete; certain; free from restriction, limitation or exception (adjective)

hintThe police carefully examined evidence to document ________ proof of Gene’s culpability.for exampleThe police carefully examined evidence to document ABSOLUTE proof of Gene’s culpability.answer:ABSOLUTE

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