Rootonym January 1 2024 Answers

Rootonym 1 January Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


STA | Root means ‘stand’

Far off or apart in time and/or space; remote; reserved or aloof (adjective)

hintLast summer, Keiku realized her dream to visit France, a ________ country from Japan.for exampleLast summer, Keiku realized her dream to visit France, a DISTANT country from Japan.answer:DISTANT

To bring into being on a firm or permanent basis; to institute; to determine (verb)

hintThe Johnson family will ________ a scholarship for deserving college students.for exampleThe Johnson family will ESTABLISH a scholarship for deserving college students.answer:ESTABLISH

Science dealing with the collection, analysis and interpretation of numerical data (plural noun)

hintMathematical ________ suggest Eva will give birth to a fifth son after four boys.for exampleMathematical STATISTICS suggest Eva will give birth to a fifth son after four boys.answer:STATISTICS

A condition or attribute that determines or modifies a fact or event; an influencing factor (noun)

hintKeenly aware of his tenuous medical ________, Luke postponed his cruise.for exampleKeenly aware of his tenuous medical CIRCUMSTANCE, Luke postponed his cruise.answer:CIRCUMSTANCE

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