Rootonym January 4 2024 Answers

Rootonym 4 January Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


ORDIN | Root means ‘order, command, arrange’

Excessive; exceeding reasonable limits; unrestrained; not regulated (adjective)

hintJanet is furious due to an ________ number of repairs that are necessary to fix Bob’s Jeep.for exampleJanet is furious due to an INORDINATE number of repairs that are necessary to fix Bob’s Jeep.answer:INORDINATE

Arranged in logical sequence or pattern; tidy; well behaved: peaceful (adjective)

hintSally arranged her dolls into two ________ rows: babies in front and girls behind them.for exampleSally arranged her dolls into two ORDERLY rows: babies in front and girls behind them.answer:ORDERLY

To confer holy orders upon beforehand; to appoint or decree in advance (verb)

hintMarsha believes that only Buddha can ________ the events of our lives.for exampleMarsha believes that only Buddha can PREORDAIN the events of our lives.answer:PREORDAIN

Being beyond what is usual, regular or established; exceptional (adjective)

hintWhat an ________ feat for Sam to win a championship with so many other talented competitors!for exampleWhat an EXTRAORDINARY feat for Sam to win a championship with so many other talented competitors!answer:EXTRAORDINARY

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