Rootonym January 8 2024 Answers

Rootonym 8 January Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


SULT | Root means ‘leap, spring forward’

To arise or proceed as a consequence from actions, circumstances, premises, etc. (verb)

hintIf Janie decides not to study, poor grades will ________ due to her lack of effort.for exampleIf Janie decides not to study, poor grades will RESULT due to her lack of effort.answer:RESULT

Deliberately discourteous or rude; speaking to or treating in a callous or contemptuous way (adjective)

hintConnie walked out of the room because Vicky continued to make ________ remarks.for exampleConnie walked out of the room because Vicky continued to make INSULTING remarks.answer:INSULTING

Prominent or conspicuous; projecting beyond a line, surface or level (adjective)

hintLarry’s architect proposed ________ features for the facade of his home remodel.for exampleLarry’s architect proposed SALIENT features for the facade of his home remodel.answer:SALIENT

Procedure of seeking advice or information; a conference where views are exchanged (noun)

hintMr. and Mrs. Bowen often have a family ________ before making major decisions.for exampleMr. and Mrs. Bowen often have a family CONSULTATION before making major decisions.answer:CONSULTATION

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