Rootonym March 10 2023 Answers

Rootonym 10 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


BOTAN | Root means ‘herb’

Pertaining to, derived from, or belonging to plants and plant life (adjective)

hintBill, a ________ expert, believes that Earth Day has helped people better understand conservation.for exampleBill, a BOTANICAL expert, believes that Earth Day has helped people better understand conservation.answer:BOTANICAL

The living together in close union of two different organisms, esp. when beneficial (noun)

hintSharks and remoras enjoy a ________ because remoras feed on the scraps left by sharks.for exampleSharks and remoras enjoy a SYMBIOSIS because remoras feed on the scraps left by sharks.answer:SYMBIOSIS

Animal life; characteristic of a given region, environment or period (noun)

hintScientists noted that small ________ in a Brazilian jungle had been eaten by bigger animals.for exampleScientists noted that small FAUNA in a Brazilian jungle had been eaten by bigger animals.answer:FAUNA

To give or impart new life or vigor to after decline (verb)

hintThe U.S. Forestry Service has made dramatic and successful efforts to ________ our national parks.for exampleThe U.S. Forestry Service has made dramatic and successful efforts to REVITALIZE our national parks.answer:REVITALIZE

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