Rootonym March 2 2023 Answers

Rootonym 2 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


RIS | Root means ‘laugh’

Capable of causing laughter; able or inclined to laugh; amusing; ludicrous (adjective)

hintThe antics of the ________ clown were so funny that the audience applauded wildly.for exampleThe antics of the RISIBLE clown were so funny that the audience applauded wildly.answer:RISIBLE

To laugh at in scorn or with contempt; to mock or make fun of (verb)

hintGrandma will ________ new gadgets as unacceptable and useless for her needs.for exampleGrandma will DERIDE new gadgets as unacceptable and useless for her needs.answer:DERIDE

Absurd; worthy of or deserving contemptuous laughter (adjective)

hintCarol has a ________ idea that her family might actually win the lottery!for exampleCarol has a RIDICULOUS idea that her family might actually win the lottery!answer:RIDICULOUS

Characterized by or expressing ridicule, insult or mockery (adjective)

hintVicky was offended by a ________ comment following her report at the company meeting.for exampleVicky was offended by a DERISORY comment following her report at the company meeting.answer:DERISORY

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