Rootonym March 22 2024 Answers

Rootonym 22 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


OMNI | Root means ‘all’

Having total knowledge, awareness or understanding (adjective)

hintHenry may not be ________, but he is so smart that his family thinks he knows everything!for exampleHenry may not be OMNISCIENT, but he is so smart that his family thinks he knows everything!answer:OMNISCIENT

To drive, push or cause to move forward or onward (verb)

hintIn order to ________ the arrow, the archer needed to pull back on the taut gut of the bow.for exampleIn order to PROPEL the arrow, the archer needed to pull back on the taut gut of the bow.answer:PROPEL

Person who is expelled or banished from a country (noun)

hintFederal authorities confiscated a passport and escorted the ________ to the border.for exampleFederal authorities confiscated a passport and escorted the DEPORTEE to the border.answer:DEPORTEE

Medical practice emphasizing the manipulation of muscles and bones (noun)

hintDr. Wells specializes in ________ due to his passion for relieving pain.for exampleDr. Wells specializes in OSTEOPATHY due to his passion for relieving pain.answer:OSTEOPATHY

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