Rootonym March 23 2024 Answers

Rootonym 23 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


POS | Root means ‘place, put, lay’

To put a burden, tax or punishment on; to force or thrust on another (verb)

hintAdam did not ________ his traditional values on his son, but often talked to him about expectations.for exampleAdam did not IMPOSE his traditional values on his son, but often talked to him about expectations.answer:IMPOSE

Deviating from a straight line; not resulting immediately (adjective)

hintEdith chose an ________ way home along a scenic, winding road since she was not rushed.for exampleEdith chose an INDIRECT way home along a scenic, winding road since she was not rushed.answer:INDIRECT

To satisfy an appetite fully, or to supply to excess (verb)

hintCarl ordered a hearty meal to ________ his hunger because he had skipped breakfast and lunch.for exampleCarl ordered a hearty meal to SATIATE his hunger because he had skipped breakfast and lunch.answer:SATIATE

To abolish by an authoritative act; to repeal, cancel or annul (verb)

hintDee plans to ________ many of her predecessor’s decisions as soon as she assumes office!for exampleDee plans to ABROGATE many of her predecessor’s decisions as soon as she assumes office!answer:ABROGATE

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