Rootonym March 25 2024 Answers

Rootonym 25 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


VID | RRoot means ‘see, appear’

Calculated to create dislike, ill will or cause resentment; unfairly or offensively discriminating (adjective)

hintJason disregards Vicky’s ________ remarks because she has always been judgmental.for exampleJason disregards Vicky’s INVIDIOUS remarks because she has always been judgmental.answer:INVIDIOUS

Feeling or expressing desire for something possessed by another; covetous (adjective)

hintWhen Margo saw the adorable puppy, she felt ________ that her friend had gotten a new dog.for exampleWhen Margo saw the adorable puppy, she felt ENVIOUS that her friend had gotten a new dog.answer:ENVIOUS

Proof; data presented to a court or jury; something tending to prove or disprove (noun)

hintPictures taken from a security camera offered concrete ________ against the criminal.for examplePictures taken from a security camera offered concrete EVIDENCE against the criminal.answer:EVIDENCE

Opportune, fortunate or lucky; pertaining to or resulting from divine guidance of God or nature (adjective)

hintWasn’t it ________ that the police arrived quickly to help people at the accident?for exampleWasn’t it PROVIDENTIAL that the police arrived quickly to help people at the accident?answer:PROVIDENTIAL

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