Rootonym March 3 2023 Answers

Rootonym 3 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


LOC | Root means ‘place’

Specific place, spot or area; district; neighborhood (noun)

hintCarrabba’s Italian Grill is a popular restaurant in a ________ with loyal patrons.for exampleCarrabba’s Italian Grill is a popular restaurant in a LOCALITY with loyal patrons.answer:LOCALITY

Gullible; easily deceived; willing to believe or trust too readily (adjective)

hintJanie has a ________ personality and even believes the silliest stories.for exampleJanie has a CREDULOUS personality and even believes the silliest stories.answer:CREDULOUS

An overcrowding, obstruction or clogging; a concentration in a small, narrow space (noun)

hintIt annoyed Mary to see such ________ at the beach when she had anticipated few people.for exampleIt annoyed Mary to see such CONGESTION at the beach when she had anticipated few people.answer:CONGESTION

Celebration or commemoration on the date of a yearly event (noun)

hintJune 11 is the wedding ________ of Angelica, Alan and Betty’s parents.for exampleJune 11 is the wedding ANNIVERSARY of Angelica, Alan and Betty’s parents.answer:ANNIVERSARY

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