Rootonym March 30 2023 Answers

Rootonym 30 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


CHRON | Root means ‘time’

To go on, move or operate at the identical rate and exactly together; to coincide (verb)

hintDon asked Tim to ________ his watch in order for them to meet at exactly noon.for exampleDon asked Tim to SYNCHRONIZE his watch in order for them to meet at exactly noon.answer:SYNCHRONIZE

Continuing for a prolonged period; recurring frequently, constantly or habitually (adjective)

hint=Mrs. Fullen is in poor health and has experienced ________ renal failure this last year.for exampleMrs. Fullen is in poor health and has experienced CHRONIC renal failure this last year.answer:CHRONIC

A thing or person out of its proper time or belonging to another date, esp. earlier (noun)

hintBarb uses the term icebox, an ________ for a refrigerator, because she is 94 years old!for exampleBarb uses the term icebox, an ANACHRONISM for a refrigerator, because she is 94 years old!answer:ANACHRONISM

Arranged by occurrence in time; pertaining to the sequential order of events (adjective)

hintThe paralegal entered data into her files in ________ order to easily retrieve information.for exampleThe paralegal entered data into her files in CHRONOLOGICAL order to easily retrieve information.answer:CHRONOLOGICAL

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