Rootonym March 5 2023 Answers

Rootonym 5 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


CIT | Root means ‘arouse, summon, set in motion’

To stimulate to action; to stir up; to urge on; to provoke (verb)

hintThe dictator’s savage brutality may ________ crowds of people to rebel against such despotism.for exampleThe dictator’s savage brutality may INCITE crowds of people to rebel against such despotism.answer:INCITE

Showing, expressing or inclined to love (adjective)

hintJoe and Gina exchanged ________ glances when they announced their engagement.for exampleJoe and Gina exchanged AMOROUS glances when they announced their engagement.answer:AMOROUS

Producing or yielding good results; prolific; beneficial (adjective)

hintTo Claire’s chagrin, her rosebush was not ________ and bore no blossoms.for exampleTo Claire’s chagrin, her rosebush was not FRUITFUL and bore no blossoms.answer:FRUITFUL

Enduring or lasting forever; eternal; continuous (adjective)

hintMaria’s bequest to fund annual scholarships allows ________ benefits for five deserving students.for exampleMaria’s bequest to fund annual scholarships allows PERPETUAL benefits for five deserving students.answer:PERPETUAL

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