Rootonym March 6 2023 Answers

Rootonym 6 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


PUT | Root means ‘think, reckon, consider’

Position or standing one occupies in the opinion of others; a place in public esteem (noun)

hintLinda earned a ________ as a fine administrator because of her organizational skills.for exampleLinda earned a REPUTATION as a fine administrator because of her organizational skills.answer:REPUTATION

Person appointed or authorized to act as a substitute for another (noun)

hintWhen the sheriff went on vacation, his ________ assumed departmental responsibilities.for exampleWhen the sheriff went on vacation, his DEPUTY assumed departmental responsibilities.answer:DEPUTY

Debate, controversy or difference of opinion; a quarrel (noun)

hintA family ________ causes bad feelings among siblings and their spouses.for exampleA family DISPUTE causes bad feelings among siblings and their spouses.answer:DISPUTE

Calculable; ascertainable; determined by mathematical means (adjective)

hintThe astronomer showed a colleague that an equation was ________ by physics.for exampleThe astronomer showed a colleague that an equation was COMPUTABLE by physics.answer:COMPUTABLE

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