Rootonym March 8 2024 Answers

Rootonym 8 March Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


OPER | Root means ‘work’

Working or acting together for some common end or benefit (noun)

hintJill needed ________ from her siblings to plan an outstanding event.for exampleJill needed COOPERATION from her siblings to plan an outstanding event.answer:COOPERATION

A small raised platform, as for a lecture; a dais or lectern (noun)

hintJoan placed notes on the ________ in front of her just before she gave her speech.for exampleJoan placed notes on the PODIUM in front of her just before she gave her speech.answer:PODIUM

The quality or state of being a father; origin and descent from a father (noun)

hintScott has assumed all responsibilities and rights of ________ for his stepson.for exampleScott has assumed all responsibilities and rights of PATERNITY for his stepson.answer:PATERNITY

State of being the first-born of the children of the same parents; exclusive right of inheritance of the eldest son (noun)

hintLaws of ________ indicate that Earl will have the title of Baron Earl Morris McFay.for exampleLaws of PRIMOGENITURE indicate that Earl will have the title of Baron Earl Morris McFay.answer:PRIMOGENITURE

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