Rootonym November 26 2023 Answers

Rootonym 26 November Answers are published below and we have included the root word, it’s meaning, the hint so that you can get a little help and trying to figure it out yourself, and finally we have included the answer if you cannot figure it out yourself.


PALEO | Root means ‘ancient’ (prefix)

Characteristic of the early phase of the Stone Age (adjective)

hintA scientist focused her research on the ________ period of the earth’s formation.for exampleA scientist focused her research on the PALEOLITHIC period of the earth’s formation.answer:PALEOLITHIC

A mollusk with eight muscular arms with two rows of suckers (noun)

hintKaren was surprised to learn that fried calamari comes from ________, not squid.for exampleKaren was surprised to learn that fried calamari comes from OCTOPUS, not squid.answer:OCTOPUS

Athletic contest of five track and field events (noun)

hintBob hesitates to participate in a ________, a grueling athletic event.for exampleBob hesitates to participate in a PENTATHLON, a grueling athletic event.answer:PENTATHLON

A person in his or her 60s (noun)

hintFew people believe Lil is really a ________ since she is so spry and energetic.for exampleFew people believe Lil is really a SEXAGENARIAN since she is so spry and energetic.answer:SEXAGENARIAN

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